One of the most noticeable signs of aging is skin laxity. If you are becoming self-conscious about how this may be affecting your profile, UltherapyⓇ is a highly innovative, non-invasive treatment that can promote younger-looking skin.

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How does it work?

Drs. Nael and Shazel Gharbi offer Ultherapy to their patients as an advanced approach to lifting and tightening the skin. Ultherapy transmits focused ultrasound energy deep beneath the surface of the skin. The ultrasound energy is converted into heat once it has reached the sub-levels of the skin, where it will work to stimulate your body’s production of collagen, the main structural protein of the skin.

This process, known as neocollagenesis, happens when new collagen is created and existing collagen is refreshed. By using the body’s own reparative process, Ultherapy can gently and steadily raise the skin on various regions of the face and neck, as well as soften the appearance of wrinkles of the décolletage. No needles, toxins or creams are involved in Ultherapy, which help to achieve natural-looking results.

What to Expect

Tightening of the skin on the face and neck usually takes between 60-90 minutes, while rejuvenating the chest can take around 30 minutes. Ultimately, the duration of your session will be based on the area or areas being rejuvenated, and the results you hope to achieve. We will evaluate and be able to provide you with customized expectations following a consultation.

You will not need to set aside any downtime for recovery following your Ultherapy skin tightening treatment. You may resume your normal schedule and activities as soon as you leave our office!

Is Ultherapy Safe?

Ultherapy has been approved by the FDA as a safe and effective procedure to help promote tighter-looking skin. Ultrasound energy has been utilized in the medical field for over 50 years. Our patients have seen significant differences in their profile with Ultherapy, and you can too!

Achieve Younger looking skin

Find out if skin tightening through Ultherapy is right for you!

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